7 Keys to Having an Abundant Life

Put God first 

The very first step to having an abundant life is to put God first. He created us, He created you, He created me.

We are made in His image.

So it just makes sense that since He made us, He made us in His image, He has the owner’s manual, so to speak, if you put Him first, He knows best.

I think a lot of times we give God the credit for making us, for making us smart, and then we think we can just go do all of it in our power.

But God wants to work THROUGH us.

So I believe that the more we can let Him work THROUGH us, the more happiness, abundance, and success we will ultimately have.

It might feel slower at first, but as you and God get into a groove of working together, of you being led by Him, it gets easier and easier to just listen to Him and do what He says.

Think on these things (keep your mind right)

Phil 4:8: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

I believe this has more value and relevance today than we realize.

We talk alot about positive thinking, feeding our mind with good thoughts, thoughts that sustain us, that motivate, etc. - and here it is in the Word of God!

The wisdom is right there.

If you feed your mind with constant social feeds of people flexing and perfectly made - up, you are likely to begin to feel insecure and weak.

Far better to feed your mind with good thoughts.

The ones in the verse: whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report.

Or of course, motivational material, other verses, things you’ve spoken over yourself, things others have spoken over you.

The more you can feed your mind good, encouraging thoughts, the more likely you are to LIVE an abundant life.

Get Godly counsel

Proverbs 15:22: Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established.

This is so important; more important than many of us realize.

Here’s the gist of it: If someone else has already learned how to do something, why re-invent the wheel?

If there’s a better way to do sit ups, to start a business, to train a dog, to live your marriage, whatever, why not get counsel?

Getting counsel means you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.

And just because you go to get counsel, doesn’t mean you have to do what the first person says.

Notice it says multitude of counsellors.

Get multiple opinions.

Weigh their answers.

Go back and ask more questions.

Get counsel, especially on the tough things.

Spend time in His Word

So often we are looking for Him to “speak” to us. And that’s well and good, and in fact it seems He does speak to some people audibly or in their spirit.

But if you are in the Word daily, then wouldn’t it make sense that He’s easier to understand if you know and feel His Word each day?

The #1 way God speaks to us is actually in His Word.

The more you want to hear God, the more you should read His Word.

His Word will fill you with truth.

His Word will fill you with wisdom.

His Word will fill you with knowledge.

His Word will fill you with an understanding of what He sounds like, so that when you hear a voice, you can better tell if it’s His voice or not.

Spend time with Him and talk with Him.

How do you get closer to another person on earth?

A friend, a family member, your spouse, a new person you meet?

You spend time with them and talk with them. 

And the more time you spend with them, the closer you get.

You might even experience some friction.

And as you work through that friction, you grow closer.

Your relationship with God is the same way.

Since He created us in His image, His communication method is the best and most ideal.

And since as humans, we communicate like He communicates, since we are made in His image, then wouldn’t it make sense that if we communicate with each other by talking . . .why not communicate with Him by talking?

You might call that prayer, and often I do.

But so much of the time, I think of it as talking with Him.

And during that “talk time” I might worship Him, I might ask Him for help, I might ask for things for other people, I might thank Him for what He’s done.

But honestly, right now in my life, a huge part of talking with Him is just worshiping Him:

Telling Him:

I love You Lord, I worship You, You are great, I welcome You! 

And continuing in that type of conversation for extended periods of time.

That helps me grow closer to Him.

I notice that when I REALLY lean in, like an hour or more, with this type of conversation, it’s radical and I feel an incredible peace and clarity and closeness.

When you combine reading His Word, plus the other points in this article, with actually talking with Him, taking walks with Him, spending time in His Word, you can grow closer and closer.

And since God is abundant, when you spend more time with Him, you will begin to think more abundantly, and when you think more abundantly, it’s easier to see abundant ideas, and when you see abundant ideas, you can implement them.

And course if God blesses your work, it’s even better!

I hope you are seeing by now how all of these steps kind of build on each other.

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Make Him ruler of your money

Prov 3: 9-10: 

9 Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase:

10 So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.

I believe this pair of verses wholeheartedly.

Put Him first in your money, and He will grow your things.

And in Matthew, He was just talking about clothes and food and shelter, and He said this:

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matt 6:33) 

It can’t be any clearer than this.

And I truly believe that when we put Him first, He takes care of our things. And our things are part of our abundance.

Talking with Him is part of our abundance.

Peace is part of our abundance.

Relationships are part of our abundance.

And the money part is part of our abundance!

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Be diligent

This one seems to fly under the radar.

We can have all the other steps here, but if we practice them once a week or once a month, we simply won’t be as successful as if we practice them daily or hourly.

So be diligent.

Be diligent in your work.

Be diligent in reading the Word.

Be diligent in seeking counsel.

Be diligent with other people and relationships.

Your diligence is like an amplification of everything else you do.


Grow Close to God

I think this is the MOST important step, and yet if it stands alone, without all the others, I think it’s hard - nearly impossible to do.

For example, if you never read His Word, you’ll have a hard time knowing Who He is.

If you don’t make Him first in your money, you might be broke.

If you don’t get godly counsel, you might fall down and fail repeatedly.

But if you have those components in place, and you layer on more and more time with Him, in prayer, in talking with Him, in worshiping Him, it’s amazing how much closer you can get to Him!

You might look at these tips and think, well is abundance going to just happen to me after 3 days if I do these things?

No, that’s not likely to happen.

What DOES happen is that as you get into the habit and rhythm of doing these things, you prime your mind and environment for success.

And that’s before we even talk about God’s blessing.

The Bible is very clear that God blesses us when we make His kingdom first, when we give to Him first, when we make Him first.

And when we do these other things, like get wise counsel, think on good things, be efficient, work hard, etc, then it just all builds on itself.

And don’t forget how important just spending time with Him is, and simply worshiping Him for Who He is.

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